Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Samoan Submission Machine!!

So here's my take on TNA Wrestling's Samoan Submission Machine: Samoa Joe...After teaching Life Drawing all month with kids, you tend to come up with some good sketches once in awhile.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Georges St-Pierre Logo...that didn't make it..:(

So this was my entry for the Georges St-Pierre logo contest that's going on this month. The Grand Prize are ticketcs to UFC 100, the biggest PPV of the year and yes GSP will be fighting in that one also. I didn't make the cut though, at least I tried. To see the entries that got in checkout

Friday, May 8, 2009

Getting into the T-Shirt bidness...

So yeah here's some designs that I'm working on getting onto T-Shirts.
