So I'm trying to get EVERGLADES: Issue 1 out before the end of the year...and it's looking pretty promising, if I keep up the pace that is. Here's some characters that are in the book, (Random insect, Swiftwind and a Viperion Soldier). Enjoy! :D.
I usually create cds that I share songs with my main squeeze. Here's volume 9 of the series. I went with a whole World War theme here. The symbol on the front is an amalgamation of our interests. Enjoy!
I did this for my students. It was a project I came up with where they had to create a Holiday Poster using the elements of a real movie poster. This was my idea I came up with, enjoy!
Here's some work I did for Stadium Comics located in Shopper's World Mall in Brampton. It's for a Green Lantern Project that the owner has created and has gotten professional and amateur illustrators from all walk of life to create their own versions of the GL Corps and the other Corps as well. I'm sure these will go on the store walls pretty soon! Enjoy! BTW They are Soranik Natu and Hannu from the Green Lantern Corps for those of you who aren't familiar with them.
So, my little cousin Jordan aka "Y2J" stayed over last nite b/c his school had a PA day..Ahh I remember those days...*sigh*..Anywho, he's always asking me questions , I guess when I was 7 I was the same way. So I captured that moment in PhotoShop in a span of 15 mins...He doesn't like to stand around in the same place so I had to be quick. Here's the result, Enjoy!
So here's my take on TNA Wrestling's Samoan Submission Machine: Samoa Joe...After teaching Life Drawing all month with kids, you tend to come up with some good sketches once in awhile.
So this was my entry for the Georges St-Pierre logo contest that's going on this month. The Grand Prize are ticketcs to UFC 100, the biggest PPV of the year and yes GSP will be fighting in that one also. I didn't make the cut though, at least I tried. To see the entries that got in checkout
This charcoal caricature is my Tribute to one of my all-time favorite Artists who inspired me.
Meglia debuted in 1974 as the assistant of the illustrator Oswal. Two years later, he made science-fiction illustrations for El Péndulo, as well as covers for the publisher Record. In 1983 Meglia illustrated La Biblia para los niños, Don Quijote and "Martin Fierro". In the early 1980s, he contributed to Satiricón, a humorous periodical and El Gráfico, a sports magazine. In 1983, Meglia made his first short comic stories for Argentine publisher Record, and in the three years that followed, he worked mainly in the animation field (The Smurfs, The Flintstones and Scooby Doo). He teamed up with Carlos Trillo in 1987, and started Irish Coffee, a series about a detective with supernatural gifts. Also with Trillo, Meglia launched the Cybersix series in 1991, a series in which he intensively uses the computer. In 2002, he settled in Spain and began working for the US market. He cooperated on Dark Horse titles like Star Wars: Underworld and Spyboy, as well as DC's Superman/Tarzan: Sons of the Jungle, Crimson, Adventures of Superman and Monster World, and Marvel's Elektra. In 2005, he created the series Canari with Crisse. Meglia died on August 15, 2008 at the age of 50